It’s been a while since I’ve written anything for the site. I’ve been busy editing and publishing my second book (The Things Friends Hide, pardon the plug) and let me tell you, it wore me out.
When you’re a writer and you have a full-time job (parenting included!), something has to give. In this case it’s been my website. Okay, and dusting my house. Forget white board, my house is currently one big dust-board. Need to leave me a note? Write it on the TV, or the coffee table or kitchen table or the… You get the point. And guess what?
It’s okay.
We can’t do it all, nor should we. Life is about balance. It has to be about balance, or we’ll burn out and nothing will get done. So today I’m just dropping in to say keep your chin up and do what you can. If you wash the dishes but the laundry is stacked up like cord wood, call it a win. If you get the laundry done but the front porch has more leaves than the White House dining room table, call it a win. If you write a chapter or a page or even just a paragraph and have leftovers for dinner because of the time that took, call it a win. Do what you can, when you can and bask in the knowledge that by adjusting what you can fit into a day, be it housework, work-work, family, writing, etc., to keep yourself sane, you are winning. Trust me, I wrote the first draft of this in the dust on my countertop, #win.