Hiding Between the Lines

A place of understanding for the undeterred authors of the world.

Hi! I’m Jessica

And if you’re reading this, welcome to my journey.

I’m on a mission to become a published author and I invite you to join me. Along the way I’ll share my experiences, good and bad, advice-if I have any-and tidbits that inspire me to get up early and stay up late writing stories that no one may ever read.

You’ll read about the pain of writer’s block, the agony of critiques and hopefully the joy of success one day, as I learn the ins and out of the literary industry. In return I’ll give honest, real accounts of where I messed up, what I did right and motivation for aspiring authors like myself that are jumping in feet first.

I don’t have the answers but I do have the willingness to share my embarrassing moments, hair-pulling frustrations and maybe some fabulous wins, so that you, undeterred author, know you are not alone.

Let’s see where this road takes us, shall we?

Good Reads

Books are wonderful. They continually inspire me to keep writing. The only thing I love as much as a good book is recommending a good book. Click below to find a few of my favorites.

My Creative Work

Stuff I’ve written and stuff I’m trying to write. From flash fiction to novel excerpts, it’s all here. Let me know what you think if you’ve got a minute.